Manufacturing and Energy (6/7)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
icd_windenergy.ppt (1,9M)

Wind Energy Project Analysis .(English)

Natural Resources Canada

icd_windenergy.swf (0,6M)
icd_best.ppt (3,5M)

Exchange of experiences: presentation of best practices .(English)

CNR–Institute of Biometeorology

icd_best.swf (0,7M)
icd_new.ppt (0,8M)

What’s New in the Energy Volume .(English)

TNO, Netherlands

icd_new.swf (0,5M)
icd_EEE.ppt (2,5M)

Extreme Energy Events .(Italian)

La Scienza nelle Scuole

icd_EEE.swf (2,8M)
icd_energynon.ppt (0,3M)

Energy Resources:Production and Consumption .(English)

Environmental Sustainability Educational Resources

icd_energynon.swf (0,8M)
icd_consumption.ppt (0,5M)

International Energy Outlook .(English)

Energy Information Administration

icd_consumption.swf (0,4M)
icd_solar.ppt (0,3M)

Solar Energy .(English)

Coal is in short supply and nuclear energy is both expensive and potentially harmful to the environment

icd_solar.swf (0,7M)