Food and Information (2/10)
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iij_gts.ppt (2,6M)

NOAA’s National Weather Service .(English)

Global Communication Needs for multi–hazard data and information at International and Regional levels in support of National Early Warning Systems

iij_gts.swf (1,0M)
iij_indiait.ppt (0,5M)

Ministry of Communications and IT Government of India .(English)

Fostering Indian ICT to Global Reach: Role of DIT

iij_indiait.swf (0,4M)
iij_von.ppt (1,3M)

Federal Communications Commission .(English)

Voice over the Net: Telecommunications Regulatory Outlook

iij_von.swf (0,4M)
iij_OECD.ppt (0,6M)

OECD Technology and Industry .(English)

Highlights of the OECD’s Communications Outlook 2007:Focus on Mexico

iij_OECD.swf (0,4M)
iij_volga.ppt (0,4M)

JSC Svyaznivest .(English)

Growth outlook for Svyazinvest on completion of its restructuring

iij_volga.swf (0,5M)
iij_ancient.ppt (3,2M)

Stuttgart University, Germany .(English)

Telecommunication Trend from ancient time to the first half of this century and its impact on Information Society

iij_ancient.swf (0,4M)
iij_ION.ppt (0,9M)

Intelligent Optical Networks .(English)

Intelligent Network (IN) Breakdown – Optical Network (ON) Breakdown

iij_ION.swf (0,6M)