Financial,Insurance and Real estate (1/3)
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ikl_global2.ppt (0,3M)

Financial Services: Game Over? .(English)

Global Financial Markets in an Era of Turbulence

ikl_global2.swf (0,5M)
ikl_ms.ppt (0,1M)

MS Financial Services .(English)

Microsoft Financial Services The Road Ahead

ikl_ms.swf (0,3M)
ikl_fs1.ppt (0,2M)

Workshop on National Accounts, Cairo .(English)

SNA 1993 Updating – Issue 6a Financial Services, FISIM

ikl_fs1.swf (0,3M)
ikl_fraud.ppt (1,1M)

Financial Services Fraud .(English)

The Institute of International Auditors 2007 Financial Services

ikl_fraud.swf (0,7M)
ikl_fs3.ppt (0,5M)

Financial Supervisory Commission, Taiwan .(English)

The Proposed Financial Services Act

ikl_fs3.swf (0,5M)
ikl_fs2.ppt (0,9M)

Economic Intelligence and Policy Unit CARICOM Secretariat .(English)

Draft CARICOM Financial Services Agreement (and Quest for a Seamless Financial Landscape)

ikl_fs2.swf (0,6M)
ikl_student.ppt (0,3M)

Student Financial Services .(English)

Student Receivables Cashiers Loan Receivables

ikl_student.swf (0,4M)