Wood in Lecco

Born in 1994, the Furniture District Brianza is specialized in the production of furniture and wood products , metal furniture and furnishing accessories . The products are traditionally distinguished for the quality of materials, finishes, for design and style . Here a study of Alberto Bramanti 2007 on the district of Monza and Brianza : Future prospects between risks and opportunities.
This includes companies of finished goods : furniture, chairs, sofas, tables, bedrooms , fixtures and flooring. But also of components : paints, adhesives , plastics, and small metal hardware, manufacturers of machinery for working with wood and fabric manufacturers . It is in short the recomposition of the production of wood furniture that includes both upstream sectors , or the timber industry for the furniture and construction, semi-finished products and components of furniture, both the downstream sectors of the industry furnishings , furniture for domestic and non appliances and lighting , and furnishings, passing in various production processes : the assembly of furniture, carving, inlaying , polishing, lacquering, the gilding , fillings , processing of glass , metals and plastics. Many companies specialize in furniture components . Consortium , Calif. - The system wood furniture
In Brianza market companies operating mainly in the medium to high range , focusing on excellence in quality of products. This feature is due to the particular historical conditions of the area concerned : here is narrated the historical particularity of Liss , considered the furniture capital of Brianza. The high creative potential of the production system , the ability to design and design, technical and professional skills existing in the territory constituting the competitive asset of the district , so as to design a mobile passport , a certification as an added value of territorial recognition .
However, the main limitation of the district is made from artisan small and micro enterprises in the form higher than elsewhere : the fragmentation is a serious problem , because it creates a negative impact on the ability of companies to stay competitive in the market, to structure its own industrial strategy to invest in the quality of its products and innovation. Added to this is a certain degree of cultural lag : the entrepreneur type Monza is traditionally wary, individualistic , tend to be brought to work on their own and therefore puts in place a poor ability to collaborate with other businesses in the same area : interacts with suspicion and sees them as competitors. The difficulty in making network in the district makes it more difficult for example the establishment of joint ventures often contests and contracts both the public administration and of international firms are separate and Brianza is not able to compete with other groups structured in order to win the contracts . Here is an interesting comparison with the district Murgia , done by a research group Sistemarredo - SDA Bocconi.