I migliori programmi per leggere gli eBook su MS Windows

It’s a new free tool made specifically for Windows 7 or 8 desktop users to enjoy reading books in ePub format. You can not only read but use it as your personal library to manage all your book collections. This program also features the ability to turn pages, use bookmarks, search your library, track reading progress and much more. Icecream Ebook Reader is current still in beta and only supports ePub format at the moment. More format such as MOBI, DJVU, FB2 and other popular format will be supported in the final version. Even though it’s at beta stage, it feels like a completed product already, with a nice designed user interface and very fluent user experience when reading through pages in the book. It’s completely free and works perfectly on Windows 7 and 8, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions.
Adobe Digital Editions
Developed by Adobe, Adobe Digital Editions is a free software that can read DRM free ePub format books. Overall, it has the best user experience among all five eBook reader that we’ve tested. It renders the text correctly and clearly and supports multiple bookmarks with a very well designed library management feature.
Sony Reader
Designed specially for Sony Reader devices, the software for Windows 7 does not only let you to read it on your computer, but also provides the bridge to sync between Sony’s eReader device as well. The text and syntax highlighting are almost as good as the one from Adobe Digital Editions. It’s another highly recommended tool to read ePub format books on Windows system.
CalibreCalibre is another ePub reader that also allows you to edit eBooks. It supports ePub format nicely, and renders the text and syntax highlighting accurately. Calibre is also an open source application that lets you to convert ePub format into different other formats including Kindle’s mobi.
Another open source program. But unfortunately, FBReader doesn’t render the coding syntax as good as the other applications from our test, though it still has some basic features such as bookmarks and library managements, which can be useful.
I migliori programmi per leggere gli audioBook su MS Windows
Se cercate un modo per leggere Audiobook dal vostro smartphone Windows Phone, Audible è l’applicazione che potrebbe fare al caso vostro. Creata da una società che all’estero è proprietà del gruppo Amazon, che si chiama appunto Audible.com, l’omonima applicazione permette a chiunque di poter leggere Audiobook di diverse lingue, e scegliere da una collezione dello store uno qualsiasi dei libri a disposizione.
Audiobook Reader
Permette di riprodurre i file audiolibri sul vostro telefono dispositivo Windows 7. È possibile trasferire i file in formato MP3 o WMA. Si ricorderà la vostra posizione in ogni libro per consentire la facilità di riproduzione. Full optional ad supported versione corregge in crash cui immagine di copertina era mancante o vuoto.